
Aerial images for Event & Lifestyle

Event and Lifestyle

Aerial images in the form of photos or videos not only benefit to your documentaries, inaugurations and celebrations, they also restitute the atmosphere of summer parties, roadshows or fashion shows. An exceptional perspective for special moments, whether for weddings, music videos or open airs. Drone shots have become a standard in the film industry. From the sky, give an overview and illustrate event architecture with an unusual angle.
In conjonction with ground shots, aerial shots will transform into lasting memories for you and your client.

Event // Neofashion 2017

During the NEOFASHION 2017 that took place in Weißensee, the fashion district of Berlin, 38 graduated students of the Design University of Weißensee showed their graduate work of 2017.

The numerous visitors were not only impressed by the creativity but also by the exceptional location, the former engine factory of Weißensee, which has been used as a perfect catwalk. Drone shots were possible thanks to the height of the hall. The aerial shots gave an additional and remarkable perspective to the film.

Event // Summer night in Brandenburg 2017

Every year small and big companies of Brandenbourg meet in Potsdam and organize together the Summer night in Brandenburg.

Among the numerous guests are the Prime Minister Dr.Dietmar Woidke, Rolls Royce, the Sparkassenverband Brandenburg, Porta Möbel, LEAG and prominent representatives of Brandenburg.

The firework is the highlight of the night. Our drone shot this spectacular impressions from the sky.

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